Instructor’s Corner – Simplify Your Life

“It’s not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential.”

“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.”

Simplify Your Life to Improve Your Life

If you want to improve your life then it’s tempting to want to add more. One problem with this may be that you don’t really have the time or energy to do more though. And so your efforts to improve become short-lived.

Adding more and more just creates more ...

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Re-invent Yourself Daily

Life unfolds. Each and every day we awake to an opportunity for re-invention. The wonder of the whole adventure is that we get to do a “re-take” on who we are, each and every day. We are not our past; the past is simply a name for the series of paths and choices we made to arrive here in the present. We ARE exactly who we continue to CHOOSE to be.

Why Wait to Re-invent Yourself?

A lot ...

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